About the Foundation
In 1969, 俄勒冈科技基金会的成立是为了支持教育, cultural, charitable, 和和记娱乐ios的服务活动. 俄勒冈科技基金会为捐赠基金筹集资金,并收集许多其他形式的支持, scholarships, capital projects, and much more. 致力于卓越的科学, technology, 以及卫生专业教育, 基金会的工作不仅仅是帮助和记娱乐ios的发展,而是以有意和方式为学生提供更好的教育和体验,为俄勒冈州及其他地区创造更光明的未来.
Mission Statement
俄勒冈科技基金会的使命是促进教育, cultural, charitable, 以及和记娱乐ios的服务功能, or any successor or affiliated institution; to acquire financial support for these activities through gifts, grants, bequests, development campaigns or other types of transactions designed to create funds for the benefit of the university; to promote the public relations aspect of the university in order to improve the understanding of its programs among students, alumni, 毕业生的潜在雇主, 和记娱乐ios的朋友和其他个人, groups, organizations or publics.